Brake Light Upgrade BMW 635 CSi
I admit, I am cheap! I had an old tail light laying around and took the lamp holders
out of that one and put it in the empty socket in the tail light in my car.
White arrows are where I bent the socket holders up to get the socket out of the
Yellow arrow is where the connector for the ground is plugged in. It can be
easily removed from there and connected to the new socket.
To the left is a cable that I took out. Below is how that is done.
At the inside of the light, where the arrow points you simply put the blade of a screw
driver and lightly tap it with your free hand. It'll come right out.
After you put the socket in the free hole in your tail light and bent the prongs back
you insert the copper plug into the provided spot,
All that is left now is splice the new wire in to the wire of the brake light and voila you
have an additional brake light for added safety!